Child Centre Bureau Beng was founded by Milou Schwirtz,(hereafter referred to as Child Coach)based in Oosterbeek and registered with the chamber of Commerce under number: 61846953. Child Centre Bureau Beng focuses on coaching children and young people between the ages of 5 and 16 years(hereafter referred to as: the client)
These general terms and conditions apply to all oral and written tenders and agreement from or with Child Centre Bureau Beng and all related actions, both preparatory and executive, insofar as the parties have not deviated explicitly and in writing from these conditions.
Observation and report
At the request of the parent(s)/ caregiver(s)(hereafter referred to as: the parents) of the client, the Child Coach might visit the school or the home of the child for observation and/or reporting. In advance, an estimate is produced of the required consulting time with the parents. The time spent is recorded. At the request of the parents, a written report cab be sent to third parties(e.g. school). This report is drawn up by Bureau Beng. The time spent is recorded.
Coaching children up to age of 18
For children under 18, if applicable, both authorized parents must agree to the Child Coach Consultee services. The signatory or instructing authoritative parent ensures that the other authoritative parent is informed regarding the Child Coach Consultee services guidance and gives his / her permission for this service.
He / she agrees that, in case the other parent makes any objections to the coaching or otherwise, he / she will accept the consequences. Bureau Beng cannot be held responsible for this.
Child Centre Bureau Beng is obliged to keep secrecy to all that has been discussed or registered during or in the context of the coaching sessions. For consultation with third parties and in the interest of the client, prior written permission is always to be obtained / requested/required from the parents.
Rules regarding for children visiting the Child Centre
Since no official waiting area is available in the practice, the parents are required drop off the client and collect them after the session at the agreed time. The parents must be contactable by telephone during the coaching session. After a coaching session there might be a short time opportunity for the parents to discuss what the client has done or made. During an interim interview and / or final interview, the progress regarding the client is discussed in detail.
Foreclosure/indisposed/cancelation policy
If the appointment is cancelled at least 24 hours in advance (of the appointment), the time reserved for you will not be charged. In case of cancellation is within less than 24 hours, and depending on the circumstances, the time reserved for you can be invoiced.
Timely rescheduling of the appointment is (always) possible, this can be communicated by email or by telephone. During the coaching of children, the telephone from Child Centre Bureau Beng is not contactable. You can then leave your message on the voicemail.
Suspension, dissolution and early termination of the agreement
The Child Coach is entitled to suspend the fulfilment of the obligations or to dissolve the agreement if the client and / or the parents do not, not fully or not timely fulfil the obligations as per the agreement.
Furthermore, the Child Coach is entitled to dissolve the agreement if circumstances arise which are of such a nature that fulfilment of the agreement is not possible or if other circumstances arise which are of such a nature that the unaltered maintenance of the agreement cannot reasonably be relinquished by the coach.
If the agreement is dissolved, the claims of the Child Coach on the parents are immediately due and payable.
The rates for the services of the Child Coach are published on the "rates" page of Child Centre Bureau Beng website or can be requested/obtained from Child Coach Bureau Beng (www.bureaubeng.nl). All amounts include 21% VAT.
Tariff changes are announced at least 1 month in advance of the applicable starting date. Short consultation, by telephone or by e-mail, is included in the client's supervision. Time spent from 15 minutes or more is recorded and charged. If necessary, an appointment will be made.
Terms of payment
Billing of the services obtained, will be invoiced monthly, regardless of the result of the Child Coaches’ effort. The parents of the client undertake to transfer the payment in full within 14 days after the invoice date to the ban account of Child Coach Bureau Beng. If payment is not made within the agreed term of 14 days, Bureau Beng will send a payment reminder. If the client's parents do not comply with their financial obligations within 14 days after the date of the payment reminder, Bureau Beng is entitled to charge administration costs of € 5.00 per invoice for the second reminder.
If, after the second payment reminder, the amount owed has not yet been credited to the account of Bureau Beng, Bureau Beng is obliged to hand over the claims to third parties. The costs associated with this, as per law, are fully at your expense.
In the event of late payment, Bureau Beng is entitled to suspend further consultation/services until the parents of the client have met their payment obligation.
The advice from Child Coach Bureau Beng is solution-and result-oriented, without guaranteeing the solution and the result. Bureau Beng will never be liable for direct or indirect damage or injury resulting from or in connection with the services offered by Bureau Beng, unless there is intent or gross negligence on the part of Bureau Beng.
If reimbursement would be granted to the client and / or the parents, this can never amount to more than the covering compensation according to the liability insurance of Bureau Beng. For physical and psychological complaints of the client, Child Centre Bureau Beng advises to always contact your doctor.
Applicable law and disputes
Dutch law is exclusively applicable to all legal relationships.
Parties will first appeal to the courts after they have made every effort to settle a dispute in mutual consultation and through Mediation, in accordance with the NMI Regulations.
Location and changes conditions
These conditions are posted on www.bureaubeng.nl. Applicable is always the version that applied at the time of the establishment of the legal relationship with the coach.
Oosterbeek, december 2014