Yoga for children

yoga for children and ways of using it
Yoga for children promotes flexibility, strength and balance in both physical and mental terms. A yoga lesson for children is characterized by a balance of dynamic movement and resting moments. Child-oriented yoga postures are thematically supplemented with songs, verses, fairy tales and stories that match the children's interests and perception.
They become conscious of their correct breathing by developing yoga exercises, which help them deal with stress and help them to relax. Tactile experiences play a central role. In a safe, non-competative atmosphere, children can express their feelings and fantasies, develop social skills and accept themselves as they are. Children can express their feelings and fantasies, develop social skills and accept themselves as they are.
Milou Kindercoaching offers exercises and games in addition to yoga techniques that deepen and strengthen the holistic character of of yoga. The child develops not only physically and mentally, but also emotionally and spiritually. this method enables children and adolescents to more easily integrate yoga elements in their daily lives. It offers new insights and opportunities for them to become 'balanced'.
In a coach session at Milou Kindercoaching, yoga is frequently an element.

During the workshop a lesson will be given in which the child's fantasy is the focus. Each age group experiences fantasy in a different way. I Work with toddlers; 6 to 8 year olds and 8 to 12 year old children.